On 2011-06-29 23:13, epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca wrote:
Hi, I have imported a .qes file into EpiData Manager and re-saved it in the new format. The document is a questionnaire and I am trying to make updates to the fields. I have two questions...
- Is it possible to insert a new text field in between two already
established fields?
Yes - you can do that .
Flow of entry btw. will always go from top to bottom and to the rigth before going down if any field or section is placed to the right of a field on the same level.
A particular note is that by now the sequence of fields in the EPX file (epidata project xml file) is the same as the sequence in which they were added to the form, but this will change at some point. It makes no diffence to the flow, but when reading the file into analysis we would like to see the sequence equal to the flow.
2) I've noticed that the label names no longer show up on the form; will this effect coding capabilities?
If I understand you rigth you wish to see the value labels next to a field following entry. THis is set in the properties of a given field on the second tab page.
regards Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association