I have 70 variables, named var1, var2, . . . var70
Each has a corresponding numerical variable, which is calculated from the value of var, during data entry, via an IF THEN ELSE statement in the check file:
var1num, var2num, . . . var70num
I would like each varXnum to be zero by default, when a new record is opened.
Easy: (try): before file defaultvalue var1num-var70num 0 end
You must get v3.1 latest build (jan 2006) for this to work. Also the variables must be placed in sequence. The first implementation of defaultvalue wasa a bit different, updated installation files with the text below in the help files are uploaded with about 30 minutes.
The command DEFAULTVALUE can be used to assign a certain value instead of “blank” for any fields.
Default values can be defined like this:
In a BEFORE FILE or BEFORE RECORD block you add:
Similarly for lists of fields:
DEFAULTVALUE field1-field10,field12 x DEFAULTVALUE field14-field20,field11 "x"
In a field block: DEFAULTVALUE x
A DEFAULTVALUE expands the range, legal or comment legal definitions of a field. If DEFAULTVALUE 9 is part of a field block then the value 9 is allowed to be entered even if e.g. RANGE 1-5 is also defined. Field block specification overrules a general definition in a BEFORE FILE or BEFORE RECORD block.
DEFAULTVALUEs will be exported as part of the any COMMENT LEGAL definitions for the field in question.
The category text assigned will be “Default”.
*NOTE: The value assignment only takes place in new records. Not in already entered records.*
/ /
(in before file block):
DEFAULTVALUE ALL 9 fills all numerical and string fields with 9
DEFAULTVALUE ALL “No info” ALLstrings fills all string fields with “No info”
(in a field block):
DEFAULTVALUE 2001 assigns the value 2001 as default.
(in a string field):
DEFAULTVALUE “No Information” assigns the value “No Information” as default.
Regards Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association ps. The revising of the website is almost done (a few pages are left).