Hello all:
This appears to have been addressed back in 2013 for v1.4.2, but nothing from that discussion is working.
I have downloaded EpiData Entry Client on my Mac (intel), but it does not work. No matter which download method--zip versus dmg--the client opens, but does absolutely nothing. I cannot open any of the .epx files, can't actually quit, etc.
There were some terminal and script workarounds in the 2013 discussion. These also do not work. What is going on? _______________________________________________________________ Mark G Shrime, MD MPH FACS Harvard Interfaculty Initiative in Health Policy Clinical Instructor, Harvard Medical School
shrime@gmail.com scholar.harvard.edu/shrime hsph.harvard.edu/mark-shrime/
Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh, and the greatness which does not bow before children. —Kahlil Gibran
With purity and with holiness I will pass my life and practice my art. —Hippocrates