As I remember the Stata value should be .a But please specify which version of Stata and if you are using Manager export or the new analysis, which may directly save the file in Stata format.
Best wishes Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association Denmark
Den 21. august 2019 14.04.31 CEST, EpiData development and support epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca skrev:
I have some missing data that is encoded as ‘9’ in the database and in the value label list it is flagged as missing. When exporting to CSV the value is obviously set as ‘9’ as expected.
When I export it as Stata I assume this value ‘9’ gets encoded to Stata’ definition of a missing value, but when I read the data in Python with the ‘pd.read_stata’-function it defines the category value ‘9’ as 100.0 and not as missing data (NaN) like the blanks in EpiData.
Eksample One column has 80 values. 19 of these are encoded as ‘9’ (missing), 58 of these are blank, and 3 are coded as ‘1’ (Yes) in EpiData. After exporting to Stata and reading in Python I get
19 values in category ‘100’ 3 values in category ‘Yes’ 58 values NaN (i.e. missing)
Why aren’t the ‘9’ category correctly coded as missing when exporting to Stata, or am I missing something here?
Kind Regards Henning _______________________________________________ EpiData-list mailing list EpiData-list@lists.umanitoba.ca http://lists.umanitoba.ca/mailman/listinfo/epidata-list