Would there be interest in establishing a Creative Commons site for such material? This could be done on the EpiData wiki as links to on-line sites or documents; or if we get ambitious or have enough space, everything could go on the site (e.g. pdf or zipped versions of material)
We have also used a field study (designed, in part, by students) as a means of teaching EpiData along with survey and data management & analysis.
Jamie Hockin Public Health Agency of Canada
epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca wrote:
Thanks for the link. I was interested to see the Epidata training materials on this site and also the ones now on the Epidata website. I'd be very interested in any other links. I'm especially interested in materials that deal with outbreaks so it was great to see the case study about Tiramisu on the epidata website - but that only deals with the analysis side. (Here we use Epidata for our questionnaires and data entry but use Epi Info for analysis).
I've done a training manual for our public health staff about using Epidata and have an outbreak case study exercise that uses epidata and epi info, but have not made on line versions yet. I would be interested in talking to others - perhaps off line about materials they use for epidata training.
thanks again
Christine Roseveare Analyst Regional Public Health 570 9194 027 495 9671