Konan Diby asked regarding classic EpiData 3.1
"There was the control function that allowed for a lot. There was a * .chk file in which you could write a basic useful language. I am trying to design an input mask, but now I seek the equivalent of this function, I can not find. Has it been removed? If there is how to use it? Best regards_______________________________________Konan Diby JP, MD, MPH" The short answer: there is no mask in EpiData Manager and EntryClient.
The longer answer: In all software design and development there are a number of issues to decide upon, e.g : a. scope (what should the software handle). which operating systems should be supported b. what are the demands of the user base c. what is realistic within the organisation and economy d. how can we secure quality and stability in all situations e. sustainability
I will not go into detail in answering, but only say that the design options are bound by the size of the EpiData organisation and the available funding. With support from the core group of persons and spending the funding given the project managed to get functional and in all modesty efficient software disseminated for a large number of persons. We do not know how many use the software, but based on download counts it is most likely at least 250.000 persons.
But there are certainly also limitations, e.g. no multiuser entry, no web based entry and no advanced statistics.
Implementation of functionality as mentioned in CHK files depends on decisions to be taken later. In my view it must come after rewriting of Analysis. A definite limitation is that sufficient funding must be secured, and also that the interest in continued effort is maintained from the core persons.
For funding see: http://epidata.dk/funding.htm
For names and functions of the core group, see: http://epidata.dk/credit.htm
warm regards
Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association Denmark.