Dear colleagues,
I would apprciate your help in solving check codes truncation proble. I am currently creating one database using epidata. I have one of the check codes of about 600 charecters long(example below), however after applying chk codes, it is automatically truncated to 207 charecters when I open to see next time. Any clues or ways to code alternatively?
*check code:*
IF (Sex=2) AND (Msex=0) OR (Msex=9) OR (Msex=99) AND (Fsex=0) OR(Fsex=9) (Fsex=99) AND (IDU=0) OR (IDU=9) OR (IDU=99) AND (CFac=0) OR (CFac=9) OR (CFac=99) AND(Trans=0) OR (Trans=9) OR (Trans=99) OR (coag=0) OR (coag=9) OR (coag=99) OR(HetSexEND=0) OR (HetSexEND=9) OR (HetSexEND=99) OR (ConSusHIV=0) OR (ConSusHIV=9) OR(ConSusHIV=99) AND (OccuExp=0) OR (OccuExp=9) OR (OccuExp=99) AND (OthMedExp=1) OR(OthMedExp=0) OR (OthMedExp=9) OR (OthMedExp=99) AND (NMNOcc=1) OR (NMNOcc=0) OR(NMNOcc=9) OR (NMNOcc=99) *THEN*
* **Risk="OtherMedExp-10"*
Thank you.
Bijay Adhikari, PhD CD Epiodemiologist Saskatchewean Ministry of Health