You can do this as shown below (there is no COMBINE command in EpiData).
read yourdata define aprov ____________ select prov1 <> . aprov = prov1 savedata p1 aprov // save only aprov; you can save other fields if you want select select prov2 <> . aprov = prov2 savedata p2 aprov * etc close read p1 append p2 append p3 append p4 freq aprov * The denominator will be total number of mentions of province, not respondants
This is more or less what Epi6 did internally. You can simplify this without the select statements:
define aprov ________ aprov=prov1 savedata p1 //save all data * etc
Jamie Hockin Public Health Agency of Canada
Hi there I am currently analysing my first survey using Epidata Analysis instead of DOS Epi Info (I hated Windows EpiInfo) and have been using Epidata quite a lot for data entry, so now I am giving Analysis a go! In the DOS EpiInfo I have been able to use the "COMBINE" command to do a freq on a question where more than 1 option can be selected. Eg. Question: In which province do you primarily work? (You may choose more than 1 option) The provinces are then all listed and the respondents just tick In my Epidata REC file I have numbered all the options from 1-10. I repeated the question 4 times in the REC file, so that 4 options could be ticked (my data does not have more than 4 options ticked for this Question - I checked!) I have a dataset with 148 respondents. I know that my denominater will increase with the "combine" command, but I am interested in the percentages only. What command in Analysis will assist me with this analysis problem?
Warm regards, Elize Webb School of Health Systems and Public Health University of Pretoria