I understand the two different methods of double-entering data, and I do indeed want to "prepare for double-entry". The problem is that when I go to prepare the questionnaire for double entry, I can only choose to prepare either the parent OR the child file. If I choose the parent file, then a double-entry file is only created for the parent file - when I open it to double enter the data, it relates to the original child file, so it opens the parent double entry file along with the original child file. Since only one of the two files is a double entry file, the program thinks I am entering the data for the first time, and does not compare the alues entered to the values from the original file.
I cannot seem to find a way to prepare both the parent and the child file for double entry together. If I prepare them for double entry separately, I run into similar problems.
Message: 1
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 19:13:58 +0200
From: epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca
Subject: Re: [EpiData-list] Double Entry for Related Files
To: epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca
Message-ID: 4BD71B56.7020800@tbrieder.org
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
Hi Sam:
There are two approaches to double-enter: 1) independently, 2) the second file depending on the first. You seemingly chose the latter ("prepare for double-entry"). If you choose that option, you must enter the records in the same sequence (I believe) and the value of each field in the second record will be compared to the corresponding one in the first and a discordance reported, so you can verify. Thus, no need to enter twice.
Alternatively, you enter your related file pairs independently between first and second entry. You must have a unique identifier in both the parent and the child file. The sequence then doesn't matter of course.
After you have entered parent1-child1 and parent2-child1, you validate
parent1-vs-parent2 on the unique identifier, then child1-vs-child2 on that identifier.
On 20:59, epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca wrote:
I have a questionnaire that uses two related .rec files for data
I want to double enter the data by checking for discrepancies as the
data is entered the second time. Is it possible to do this for
questionnaires that span two .rec files? When I try to prepare for
double entry, the program creates a "file1_dbl.rec" file, but relates
it to the "file2.rec" file rather than creating a "file2_dbl.rec" file
to compare against.
I am thinking that I will just have to un-relate the file, and enter
and double-enter the survey in two parts, but any help would be
Hans L Rieder, MD, MPH
Jetzikofenstr 12
3038 Kirchlindach
Tel: +41 31 829 4577
Mob: +41 79 321 9122
Samuel Haddaway
Research Assistant, International Projects
National Opinion Research Center
Phone: 301.634.9423