Dear EpiData Association team / epidata-list,
I work at a non-profit organization conducting studies in different parts of the world. Several of these studies at our institute are still using EpiData v3.1.
At the moment all collaborators of our institute are being migrated from Windows 7 to Windows 10.
Our IT department has included EpiData Manager V4.4.2.1 in the software package being installed in our new computers since it is the 'newest' version (a test version but not the current version!) . Since several studies are in the process of entering data using V3.1 we encountered the fact that the entry mask does not work on the newer version (as expected). Using V4.4.2.1 means for us the re-design of the masks, which we have tried but encounter difficulties with the part of the '.chk' e.g no conditional jumps can be applied and calculations can be cumbersome, etc...
We would rather work with V3.1 but out IT department would like to know the following to go back to EpiData V3.1:
1.) Which is your 'Road Map' for the development of V4.4.2.1 from 'test' to a 'current' version? Would you have an estimate of the date of availability of the V4.4.2.1 as a current version? 2.) They asked if V3.1 was designed for Win 10, but I rather ask: are there known errors in the use of V3.1 when running under Win10? 3.) Would you have 'security' updates for V3.1? Since it is an old software, the IT team is refusing to install V3.1 because if could introduce 'insecurity' in the Institute's system.
- If we were forced to use the test version, is there an easy way to implement the check files from V3.1? - Would you have a manual for the users? We are in the middle of several studies going on and we would like to have reassurance that things are done properly.
I would really appreciate your help!
Best regards and thank you, Leticia Grize
Leticia Grize PhD Biostatistics Unit Department of Epidemiology and Public Health Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute Office address: Eulerstrasse 77, Basel Phone: +41-(0)61-284-87-12 Fax: +41-(0)61-284-81-01 Email: leticia.grize@swisstph.ch Postal address: Swiss TPH / P.O. Box / CH-4002 Basel / Switzerland STPH website: http://www.Swisstph.ch
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