In my experience, this happens when there is a problem with delimiters or with non-english characters. Are you exporting any text values?
You can easily look at the xxxx.txt file (with all the data) using a basic text editor like notepad and see if there are extra delimiters or if a line ends early because of a problem saving text. The default delimiter (you have control over this in the latest test version) is | (vertical bar).
On Apr 26, 2014, at 7:07 AM, epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca wrote:
he problem with exporting to SPSS i have a variable called angina which is coded as 1 and 0 for yes and no when i export from manager to SPSS, half the varaibels have 1 and 0 but the rest have values-such as 234, 253 etc Other variables also have most correct but some exported like that- another examples even the unique id for a 450 item data set has ~ 50 variables expoted as number 23456, 24567 etc?? I hope my explanation of my problem is clear thank you thambu
Dr Thambu David S Professor and Head Medicine Unit 2 Christian Medical College, Vellore 632004, India