Hi, I have struggled with a problem that: When I use the double entry real time verification, I can only do the verification on the first record, When I entering a second record, the verification is Disabled.
I have struggled this problems for nearly two days by trying to narrow the problem, then finally I found that if I remove the "autosearch" function on my ID field (which is the matching key on the double entry verification), then everything works fine.
Finally, I search by keywords "autosearch double entry" on this maillist, and found there is an announcement by the official author in this post: (it was in year 2006)
http://lists.umanitoba.ca/pipermail/epidata-list/2006q2/000430.html They said: ------------------------- Double Entry and Autosearch: Danger!....... -------------------------
Now, I'm using the latest official release version, which is v3.1 (28jan2008). I also check the mantis system, I don't find anything related to this bug. http://www.epidata.dk/php/mantis/view_all_bug_page.php
So, Still, my question is: Does this bug fixed? It seems this bug still exists in the v3.1 (28jan2008).
Thanks Zhang Yuanhui China