Dear all
Unfortunately I managed to answer in Danish on this request to the list and not internally.
When you install Manager the sample file actually contains an example on the date / age calculation requested by Bernard Branger.
We are currently building a wiki, where examples for solutions on this could be added.
Please note, that anyone who wish to add or exemplify are welcome to do so and can be added to the usergroup with rights to add to the wiki under construction at http://www.epidata.info/dokuwiki
Regards Jens Lauritsen
On 06/18/2012 07:55 AM, epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca wrote:
On 2012-06-16 20:23, epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca wrote:
Hello, I created two dates (date of birth of mother (datem), and date delivery (dated)). I also created a variable "age".
From "age", in the field calculation, I can calculate the age field
in the results because the variable does not appear (below results, "none" is noted). While, if I create another variable "age2, in the calculation, "age" appears in the window (and I write age = dated - datem). So in Entry, age is noted in variable "age" and not in "age2".... It is quite complicated... Why should I create two variables ???? I miss the ease of entry with a EPIDATA ENTRY 3.1 before with the formula (age2=(dated-datem)/365.25..... Thank you.
Kind regards
Bernard BRANGER, Nantes, France