1. Regarding automatically filling of fields
After trying different models, I managed to create a Syntax that allow me to enter data in one field and get automatically related data filled up in two other fields. I had to split the helping REC file into two files. The Key variable in the first file was the brand (say Aspirin) and the second variable was the Generic name (say ASA), and in the second file the Key variable was the generic name and the second variable the ATC code.
This is a very good example of how "good examples" develop with assistance. Please wrap up this example and send for inclusion as a worked example for placement on www.epidata.dk/examples.php
E.g. just a zip file with the qes, chk and rec files and a pdf file showing the screen. Much like the "Yves" example, a good example was created. By combining efforts in this way many people learn and gets inspiration.
Another way of giving inspiration is to work out "flyers" in collaboration with me, such as http://www.epidata.dk/php/downloadc.php?file=epidataflyer_general.pdf Projects or institutions having examples or ideas are much welcomed to suggest this. Best by writing to "info at epidata.dk "
I hope during the 2007 it will be possible to get a WIKI started with mutual responsibility among users. Some aspects of this has been started, but the whole organisation is not ready for general use yet.
A WIKI is an open editing system based on contributions from a broad base of users. Examples are: www.wikipedia.org, http://www.freepascal.org/wiki or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/. An example for use in EpiData would be introduction texts developed in local language, such as the one announced earlier on epidata-list by Bernard Branger and located at http://www.reseau-naissance.fr/medias/epidata_guide_2006.pdf and http://www.reseau-naissance.fr/medias/epidata_guide_controle.pdf which could be kept locally and then with a link in the wiki or added as text to the wiki.
The difference from text on the EpiData main site is that the editing and placement on the WIKI needs no work from my part. In contrast to the main site where I (or another dedicated person) have to do something to add texts.
Kind regards
Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association