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Je 02 jan 2025 Bonjour et bonne année 2025 à l'équipe d'EpiData. I hope Jens and Jamie still remember me; I have very nice memories of them. I used a lot the classic EpiData softwares (Entry and Analysis) before their new developments (Manager, EntryClient and Analysis); I had many difficulties with the test of the new versions years ago, so I decided to wait and to return to Epi Info 7 (ei7), for which I acquired a quite advance level, however, ei7 evolution didn't follow and I learned that the CDC won't support it anymore after next September. So, after all those years, I will need to return to EpiData. I asked to our information technology department to install the new EpiData on my computer, but I guess I'll need some support and more recent and detailed documentations that the ones that are available on the website (URL: https://epidata.dk/documentation.php); perhaps, if Jamie is available to give me a tour about EpiData, it would be a good start and accelerate my learning curve. Cordialement, Réjean Réjean Dion, M.D. Médecin-conseil en santé publique (maladies infectieuses) Laboratoire de santé publique du Québec (LSPQ) Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ) 20045, chemin Sainte-Marie, Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue (Québec) H9X 3R5 INSPQ Centre d'expertise et de référence en santé publique URL: http://www.inspq.qc.ca/ Professeur adjoint de clinique Département de médecine sociale et préventive (DMSP) École de santé publique de l'Université de Montréal (ESPUM) Tél.: 514-457-2070 poste 2325 Fax: 514-457-6346 Courriel: rejean.dion@inspq.qc.ca