For all users of EpiData Software
I am writing today to explain some changes you may notice in future list postings from me.
Due to regulatory demands in Denmark there is a need to formalize some of the development strategies, including how the EpiData list is used to support development. Some of the emails from me will have a form where statements made are understood as accepted unless further debate gives reason for changes. Any comment or indication of opinion is welcomed at any time. If no major comments are given within 5 days the paragraphs will be formally understood as accepted by the user base.
I want to reassure you that there will be NO information given to anyone regarding who is on the discussion list, anything you say here or otherwise express in relation to development or preference in strategy.
In the formal constitution of the Association this is formulated as stated below my signature.
There will be a continued division of decision making in EpiData development in which the roles are:
a. this EpiData-List: discuss principles, decisions, practical implementation, bug removal, questions on specific aspects etc.
b. the core group: Definite strategic decisions including those with financial implications are placed here. The core group is comprised of those giving major input to development. Names are indicated in the section "Particularly Active" in the "Friends of EpiData" section on the credit page of the main webpage.
c. specific implementation: These are ultimately made by me and Torsten Christiansen, who is assuring sound software principles.
At the final level I am legally responsible for all decisions taken, but it is important that the whole user base is informed of the principles.
Best regards to all
Jens Lauritsen, MD, Phd. Initiator and Coordinator EpiData Association, Denmark
Formal extract:
Decisions on dissemination and development strategies is taken in an open discussion on the EpiData list, which is open for all users. Specific power users from the user base will be added to a group of core decision makers (the board), who can sign account balance’s and grant signing rights to one or more persons in the core group in relation to payments and salaries. The board is guided in the larger decisions by the ”Friends of EpiData” – an international collection of experienced persons within EpiDemiology, Public Health and Community Medicine supporting the aim of the EpiData Association. Updated lists of names are shown at www.epidata.dk/credit.htm.
To ensure broad support in development decisions and strategies all major directional plans will be made publicly available on the EpiData discussion group list, which is open to all users. Such plans will be clearly formulated as such with proper timelimits for commenting and possible changes.