(141105): Bug fix and modifications to EpiData Entry has been released for all languages:
* o New startup parameter /FINDvarname=text e.g. EpiData.exe mydata.rec /FINDid=45 would start epidata.exe, look for number 45 in field id. If not found then add a new record and put the value 45 into field id. o If EpiDatastat.exe is found in same folder as EpiData.exe, then show tools with Analysis. o Adding of verified End Of Record status marker ^ (verified) in double entry o Bugfixes: Find-record did not respect filter AutoSearch error fixed (affected if same value as last record was entered) Save Record will not save an empty record Type statusbar error when autosearch and type statusbar was in same field Double Entry could not save records marked for deletion * In the next few days we will further check on the reported errors with double entry (lack of moving to new records)
Kind regards
Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association