Dear Torsten, dear Jens, Epidata-Manager does the SPSS-Export in a indirect way. A SPSS-Syntax-File and a CSV-Data-File are created. You have to run the Syntax in SPSS to create a SPSS-Datafile. This is the current proceeding.
For this proceeding I have some questions: - Is it very hard to create a SPSS-Datafile at once?
- Why is the SPSS-CSV-Data-Export-File different to a direct CSV-Data-Export-File? The Structure is different.
In my opinion it will be easier and a clear way to have ONE (adjustible) CSV-Data-Export-File. For that I recommend to replace the second Tab in " Tools/Export.../Type: SPSS 'SPSS-Options' " with the 'CSV-Options' (except for "Export Value Labels" because this is a great advantage of EpiData! Perhaps this Item stands better one the first Tab.)
- Is it possible to change the default given SPSS-Syntax?
The "Data List"-Command still works, but it is a little bit out of date. It does not work with the qualifier for Textvariables. So you have to edit the csv-File or have to write a new Syntax. "GET DATA" is the current Command.
With kind regards Michael