I am having an issue with double entry verification. I am using v1.4 on a 64 bit Windows 7 PC. I am able to create a double file, but I am missing any options like the manual indicates:
*"*Options can be changed now: choose if textfields are to be ignore during double entry (only data in numeric fields will be compared with original data).
Choose if records are to be compare by recordnumber or by a keyfield. If the option "Match records by field" is unchecked, then records are compared by recordnumber. If the option is checked, the user will be asked to point out which data field should act as the keyfield. The keyfield must contain unique data, i.e. a ID-number.
Click OK and read the message stating that double entry varification is now prepared."
It simply only creates the double data file. I am also not able to get into any sort of double entry mode in the epidata entry program.
Is this a bug or am I not using it correctly? Thanks very much.