Dirk created a very precise description of the problem of the 64k size limitation of a .not file. and asks :
Question: Is there any other solution? Is it possible to improve EpiData such that longer .not-files are possible?
Since we are in control of the software in principle anything can be extended or adapted.
As previously announced a conversion plan of EpiData Entry and Analysis to opensource has been made and we are looking for financing sources for the plan. The overwhelming number of downloads, increasing number of scientific publications, field reports and courses made with EpiData Software indicates the relevance of extending and securing the software.
The total cost of the reprogramming of the entry module and adaptation of analysis amounts to the price of less than 250 one year licenses for SPSS or a similar number of single user permanent licenses for Stata. (300.000 Euro).
In the rewriting all known problems and limitations will be considered, including the size problem of .not files. And I am sure many of them will be fixed.
Anyone having knowledge of foundations, larger projects or other sources for funding should contact me directly for further information. Once something starts coming in I will create a "barometer" of achieved funding on the website.
Kind regards Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association. "J L at epidata.dk " (remove spaces)