A good question from Omar Bautista González regards release of source code for EpiData software:
The release as open-source is part of the current re-writing strategy. The release will happen after complete rewriting expected to be completed in 2011.
The reason for waiting to that time is that we want to have the ability of changing principles until all of the expected functionality has been attained. One could argue that by releasing earlier we could get assistance from a number of open-source programmers. This could be true, but would also necessitate more coordination work to ensure that the quality of released parts was sufficiently high. Just small errors introduced in crucial core parts would render the software useless. I found during the development until now, that it is crucial for securing adherence to simplicity, precision and current EpiData principles that few experienced people are involved.
In other words, have patience and your wish will be fulfilled.
It would be interesting for the development if you and other users described typical usage and posted these as examples, which could be included via links from the examples site (www.epidata.dk/examples.php) or other web site.
regards Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association
On 05-09-2010 22:33, epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca wrote:
I want to know when we have released for the public the source code of EpiData? I see on the web page of EpiData that this initiative is part of the interesting strategy. By the way I'm using EpiData because of that, along with other reasons like the low resources of hardware demanding to execute it.