Dear All
Next test release of the EpiData Manager is now ready for testing. Added functionality is: 1. open existing data file (without data) - reads Stata dta and Rec files 2. save data as an EpiData project XML file (*.epx) - this will contain all definitions and in next release also the data 3 read a project file again.
Please discuss function in general on this list and report reproducible errors to the flyspray database
In the announced release plan this is point b and part of point c:
a. Test placement of fields in data entry forms. Move fields, add sections. Only one form is allowed. Edit variable labels (questions). b. Include previous data structures on a form. Will import EpiData (rec) and Stata (dta) files. c. Write data files and export data structures to rec file and dta files d. Start development of a dedicated entry client. e. Add definition and editing of category labels (value labels). f. Add to data forms the possibility of translating labels and questions
See http://www.epidata.dk/testing.php for the operating systems Linux, Mac and Windows.
When you first start the application you will see two sections, which can be moved, edited and deleted. these contain further definitions and guidance.
Torsten Christiansen and Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association