Unfortunately, if the size of the .not-files into which user-notes and EpiData generated notes are written exceeds about 64k, the coders can't enter further comments (although notes generated "automatically" via .chk-file commands will still be added).
One solution to this problem is to close EpiData and to rename the .not-file. A new start of EpiData will then generate a new .not-file automatically.
However, this solution is error prone, risky, and tedious: - you have to keep track of the size of the .not-files so that the coders can always enter their comments; - you may not overwrite renamed .not-files accidentally; - you have take care to collect/archive *all* renamed .not-files; - the solution is difficult to implement if the coders work independly and should not change files directly by themselves.
Question: Is there any other solution? Is it possible to improve EpiData such that longer .not-files are possible?
Current EpiData version: 3.1 (120306)
[Sorry for any inconvience: I send this mail a second time because the first went not through - my email-address has changed and I was not recognized as a "member" of the list]