V2.1 of EpiData Analysis has been placed for general download on the http://www.epidata.dk/download.php
All changes since last public release as v2.0 build 129 are documented in: http://www.epidata.dk/analysisversioninfo.htm
Main changes are: 1 new commands: Lifetable Lifetable and Kaplan-Meier plots, including estimation of differences and testing of similarity btw. groups. Stattables : summary reporting CIplot: Plot of proportions and confidende intervals for strata defined by other variables Read /CB: read delimited data from clipboard, e.g. copied from spreadsheets 2 rewriting: many commands and internal structures, including update and browse 3 enhanced and clarified: all outcome related estimation commands are synchronised with outcome variable first. enhanced options, e.g. /pct giving percentages on bar and histograms graphs allowing /by increased number of user "set" specifications including modifiable headers percentiles for small n table based, see http://www.epidata.dk/documentation.php 4 bug removal all known bugs removed
Report and discuss on this list please. Definete errors should be reported to the Mantis database
More information on credits and funding later - without this and user involvement in testing the development would not be possible.
regards Jens Lauritsen