5 Jul
5 Jul
9:34 a.m.
Hello. Dr. Pedro Emmanuel, I think you should look for CsPro software. http://www.census.gov/population/international/software/cspro/ It has been widely used in most of the under developped countries for ten years. It has large capacities and is used to type census data. It is also used for most of the Demographic & Health Surveys (DHS) in the institutes of statistics. It has a large set of programming capabilities and a high security management system. I usually use epidata for small data entries but what require more expertise I prefer CsPro or Relational DBMS... Kind regards.
Manituo Aymar Serge SOMDA
Manituo Aymar Serge SOMDA
MSc Mathématiques Appliquées / Biostatisticien MSc Applied
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