Pedro wrote: "The first problem here is that the field name can not automaticaly be inserted in the projectresult.rec, such as with TYPE COMMENT. "
There is a way to transfer data which could then be added as shown in the samples with EpiData Entry, - house-person-visit, where name and status of each person is transferred and shown on the screen next to the entry field.
In the visit.chk file: (notice global)
BEFORE FILE DEFINE varNAME _________________________________ GLOBAL DEFINE varAGE ### GLOBAL DEFINE varSEX _ GLOBAL DEFINE varILL _ GLOBAL HELP "Please enter names etc. for all persons living in \n \n @varADDRESS \n @varCITY" END
in the visit.chk:
BEFORE FILE define info _________________________________________________ END
Before record * these come from the person file: let info = varNAME + " Age: " + varAGE + " Sex: " + varSEX + " Ill: " + varILL end
The same technique could take your name entered at an upper level and saved also in the next level. (instead of the "type" here)
regards Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association