I am having a problem with the Export data command in Epidata. I had made a rec file for someone else and I wanted to show them how they could save the file to another directory after they had completed their data entry. I clicked on EXPORT Data/Back up but I got a message saying "invalid filename." No dialogue box came up at all just the message, so I had not selected a file to export. There was no problem I could see with this file. I had sucessfully created it and entered data into it.
I had no trouble with exporting the file I had just created to Excel or dbf. In each case a dialogue box came up asking me what I wanted to call the new file and it sucessfully created a file in the new format. I could also select Epidata and save the full file under a new name.
I tried loading another file and doing some data entry in it, so this different file was the last one used, and then tried to back up export. The same thing happened. I got the same 'invalid file name.' message and no dialogue box. I could however use the other commands in the export menu on this file.
The name of the file I was trying to export was UHutt_Youth_Questionnaires_2008.rec but I got the error message before I had selected the file so I can't see how the name itself would be a problem.
Christine Roseveare Analyst Regional Public Health 570 9194 027 495 9671