Well done to Jens and Torsten on the progress of the manager and entry client.
I have a few questions. I see that there is a confirm field check in the manager, but appears to be applied to the field in question only. So if one wishes to make every field a confirm field, then such an edit would need to be made for every field. I wondered if there were plans to enable the user to set such a thing for the whole database by having it as a global setting. Similarly for a missing value (9999 might always be a missing value code). Another question is whether there any plans to enable chk files created in EpiData Entry to be imported into the manager and/or rec files containing such checks to be brought into the manager with the checks preserved (at present they are ignored). A final question concerns the pasting of a qes file into the manager which uses EpiData Entry automatic field naming (i.e. the curly brackets to define filed names) and whether this will be supported in the manager. At present, the brackets are ignored by the program.
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