On 28-10-2014 21:05, epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca wrote:
As an amendment to the former mail. The example file mentioned is found here: http://www.epidata.dk/downloads/testlabelif.zip
In the zip file I have added an example epx file, which can be used as input in "Value labels from data". The same category description is used for three different values, which makes no sense, but here is just for the example.
a. get the zip file and unzip to some folder: http://www.epidata.dk/downloads/testlabelif.zip b. create a new project in Manager v2.0.0.1 c. find under "tools" "Value labels from data" d. indicate the file "example_valuelabelfromdata.epx" just unzipped (in point a) e. mark "included" and choose in "value field" S1 , in "label field" S2 and in "missing field" S3 f. indicate again in "add files" the file "example_valuelabelfromdata.epx" just unzipped (in point a) g. mark "included" and choose in "value field" S4 , in "label field" S2 and in "missing field" S3 h. indicate again in "add files" the file "example_valuelabelfromdata.epx" just unzipped (in point a) i. mark "included" and choose in "value field" S5 , in "label field" S2 and in "missing field" S3
After you press "ok" you will see that three "value label sets" are created based on the content of that file if you look at all defined value labels. (button "Project Details" - part value labels).
Regards Jens Lauritsen
EpiData Association