On 05/11/15 17:36, EpiData development and support wrote:
Unfortunately we found a bug today in relation to key expression on dataforms if a time field is part of the key.
A replacement version - EntryClient - has been uploaded. Please do not use any interim version for real projects.
We apologize for the inconvenience of several builds within a few days. It would be optimal if we could have a batch testing programme for defining and entering data. But until now we have found no viable solution for that. In contrast to EpiData Analysis for which we have almost 2000 tests in a batch procedure.
Allow me to mention that continued development is only possible due to funds from various sources, which also includes projects which I am responsible for here in Denmark. In particular I would like to acknowledge repeated donations from The Union (http://www.theunion.org/) since 2003. A complete list of contributors is available at: http://epidata.dk/funding.htm
In addition to substantial economic support the demands for functionality from The Union has been crucial. The teaching materials published at http://tbrieder.org/epidata/epidata.html is an important source for dissemination of proper principles in field work with EpiData software.
It should also be noted that without the skilled and consistent implementation of principles and functionality by T.Christiansen and the well functioning collaboration he and I have in the design of the software it would also not be possible to disseminate this software suite with focus on data documentation and sound field epidemiology principles. (- said in all modesty -)
The scheduled development path contains all the aspects of securing data regulation principles (user control and logging) (next months), scripting as part of data entry (mid 2016) and rewriting of analysis (follows). Source code will be released as open-source when we are through all aspects.
If problems or questions arise in relation to the new version please notify the list.
Regards Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association, Denmark Initiator and coordinator.