Branger pointed out that the documentation on lifetable command in latest analysis was faulty. An updated version of commands.htm has been uploaded and can be found at: http://www.epidata.dk/commands.htm#lifetabgrp
The file will be added to install versions later.
Estimation options: /time=x :Calculate Survival estimate at indicated time value (values) /p25 p50 p75 :Calculate Time span estimates at Quartiles and Median of Survival Proportions (0.75 0.5 0.25) /t : Log-rank test and Hazard Ratio (only relevant with /by) /ref=x : Indicates value of /by variable to use as reference for comparisons when the difference from reference is estimated for /time /p and /t options
The option /G has been replaced with /NG to hide the graph., but was incorrect in the documentation. Hide/show:
* /NG do notshow the Kaplan Meier plot * /NT : do not show summary documentation table * /NOLT: do not show lifetable * /E0 /E1 /E2 /E3 /E4 : show results with this number of decimals * /NOCI : Hide confidence intervals in tables and graph (e.g. if graphs overlap for groups)
regards Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association