Thanks for the responds, Jens and Hans!
- I do agree that a stable release can be benefit from the bug reports of a wider public. - I do agree, also, that most projects can handle the implementations done in the current test version. - I do agree with the strategy that propose Jens.
But maybe a release version with fewer implementations than the current stable can lead to some misunderstandings with some users. For example, maybe a user that is not informed with this wonderful list can think that "the new product of EpiData is a lower level of the old one".
I Anyway, this can be informed on the download web page, to avoid this probably confusion. And also maintaining the old version to download. Maybe with a table indicating the implementations that the new version have and by other hand with the future challenges that are already implemented with the old version can illustrate this easily. Something like this:
Old version New version One database One datatabase Multi-database Not yet And so on...
2011/6/8 epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca:
I think the release of a simple core version before all planned features are implemented is a good idea, because:
- It has a fruitful and inspiring precedent in the current EpiData Analysis
which allowed with an early release a large user base to test, provide input, and revision for subsequent enhancements 2) Not to release until all possible features are implemented would mean to restrict testing to a very small user base and thus perhaps missing key problems in the core functionality 3) Relatively early release will demonstrate to a wider public the progress being made and allow establishing through user-feedback the core functionality 4) Early release will, in addition to already planned enhancements, enable input coordination for future development
On 20:59, epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca wrote:
Good point by Omar to discuss "when to release as v1" of the new software.
-- Hans L Rieder, MD, MPH Jetzikofenstr 12 3038 Kirchlindach Switzerland
Tel: +41 31 829 4577 Mob: +41 79 321 9122 Web: http://www.tbrieder.org
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