If someone can help me with this, I would appreciate it. Read below.
---------- Mensaje reenviado ---------- De: Omar Bautista González omarbautistag@gmail.com Fecha: 28 de enero de 2011 18:56 Asunto: Can't enter to flyspray bug tracking Para: info@epidata.dk, Manager flyspray@epidata.dk
I'm testing the GNU/Linux of EpiData Manager and Entry. There are some things that I want to report and the mailing list is not the best instrument to do that.
I tried to suscribe to http://www.epidata.info/flyspray/ at the 17 of january (2011). I also tried today without success. Maybe is because the project admin must approve my account.
I'm not the best English speaker, but I'm learning to help and other reasons. I speak spanish.
My user account is RadicalLibre.
-- Omar Bautista González - Colaborador en autogestión comunitaria desde República Dominicana