Thanks Ras for the info pointing towards DataDyne.org and their PDA tool which even got a recent award.
The other tool I was alerting to is eSTEPS from WHO. It is of course also in the public domain (i.e. freely available) and runs on Windows and PocketPCs (with Windows mobile) whereas the Episurveyor currently runs on the PalmOS and its devices. In addition with eSTEPS: • You can calculate the value of one field based on the value of another during the data collection process. • You can do lookups from one data table for data collection. • You can change fonts, font colors, or font sizes, rotate between landscape and portrait format of the screen. • You can show pictures on the screen (useful to illustrate meaning). • You can run eSTEPS on any PocketPC.
There are many other features of eSTEPS and anyone interested to obtain it should contact Leanne Riley from WHO on rileyl@who.int Cheers Maximilian de Courten
On 17/10/2008, at 7:31 AM, epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca wrote:
Hello All!The new form of capturing data with PDA or Mobile application is known as Episurveyor and it is facilitated by WHO and datadyne. for free software please check www.datadyne.org
Thanks Ras Sedzro