To all on the EpiData-list
Allow me to use the opportunity of the coming summer vacations here in the Northern Hemisphere to mention/credit a few key influential contributors in collaborative efforts and/or major funding bodies, which continues to result in the EpiData resourses being freely available for all users.
A more complete list is found at: http://epidata.dk/credit.htm (which needs updating from recent years)
* The collaboration in teaching with H. Rieder has been excellent in achieving as well relevant function in the software, but also in creating the complete set of exercises found on http://www.tbrieder.org/epidata/epidata.html . Users should know that this collection has been the basis for very many courses and subsequent publications in the Tuberculosis area. * The collaboration with APHEO (Association of Public Health Epidemiologists in Ontario) and the Canadian Field Epidemiology training programme and guidance from J. Hockin resulting in: Field guides in epidemiology, including sample files and exercises : http://www.apheo.ca/index.php?pid=47 * SPC - functionality in collaboration with the Norwegian Medical Association and Quality assurance organisation in Healthcare (V. Högli and B.Nyen) http://epidata.dk/php/downloadc.php?file=spc_epidata_software_v1.pdf and http://epidata.dk/php/downloadc.php?file=spcbrugerhaandbogrsl.pdf (In Danish) * The collaboration with the Danish Data Archives on xml principles and adaptation of a simplified form of DDI standards. http://samfund.dda.dk/dda/beretning/beretning2012/epidata2012.asp (In Danish) * The funding from other sources - see http://epidata.dk/funding.htm * The continued efforts by MSC Torsten Christiansen in attentive and persistent implementation of our data documentation principles in the current modernised forms based on the epx file format. * In all "modesty" allow me to mention my own contributions, governance and continued efforts in securing stability, standards compliant and straight forward implementation and coordination of the software.
Without the resources provided by these collaborative efforts there would have been no EpiData Software. Other persons have also spent time in assistance of development - users following this list will know these are.
Relevant web adresses with course materials are found on this page: http://epidata.dk/links.htm If anyone knows of other relevant sites let us know on the list - or if some of them are no longer active.
I foresee an important turning point when we soon will have full GCP compliance with logging followed by a complete rewriting of EpiData analysis.
Users and organisations should be aware that the EpiData software can only survive with sustained funding and efforts from the implied persons.
Jens Lauritsen Initiator and Coordinator of EpiData software. (We do not wish to end in the situation exemplified by the postcard from the son being on vacation "No money - not funny, Sonny" and the dad replies "How sad - too bad, dad")