You should have legal epidata field names in the first row of you range. I've also got this error when trying to import text fields with commas in them. The first and last rows of your data should have no missing values. I have in the past inserted dummy data in these rows to help Analysis know what kind of data I have.
Sometimes this is an iterative process - you may get an error at a particular row and the import stops. Fix that row and so on.
The error-free strategy for messy data is to create a new worksheet and use formulas in all the cells to copy and/or fix the raw data. It is certainly worth doing if you will be repeating the process with future data sets.
On 2013-01-09, at 7:46 AM, epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca wrote:
Dear all,
I would like to import data from the clipboard to Epidata analysis but it is not working.
The data is in excel; I select and copy the range of cells that I need to import to Epidata analysis
With Epidata analysis I select import from clipboard in the file drop down menu but i get the message below:
"Separators: (tab: 7153)(semicolon: 0)(comma: 0)(space: 0) Lines: 14753 Cannot define number of variables"