On 2012-08-26 15:46, epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca wrote:
Now it is clear that the converting (aka Import, "Add data structure...") of REC-files into the new epx-format doesn't work 100%tly.
Plausibility checks are not importet. This is one of the BUGs I can see. Maybe there get more lost in the conversion.
This is not a bug in the program. It was chosen this way, that importing old .rec and .chk files would not support loading checks other than valuelabels.
Is there a bug-tracking system where I can add and monitore it? Where can I see the development time table?
Yes there is. You have to create youself an account, but after an initial registration, you can create bug reports and feature requeste as you like.
This link is: http://www.epidata.info/flyspray/
Kind regards, Torsten Bonde Christiansen.
ps. please identify youself when writing to the list. All mails sent on this list uses anonymous email adresses making it impossible to see who is writing if not stated.