To show the labels while entering data is simple. Use the command show in the CHK file:
sex comment legal use label_sex show end
When cursor is in the field a box with the options will appear. You may also use the "type" command to make the label to be seen after the fild has been filled.
Unfortunatenly (or forntunately), Epidta does not have a multiuser mode such as in EPI6. So, when several digitizers work wiht the same file, from time to time, or at the end some one has to merge the files. Epidata does that. Epidata can merge the files side to side or end to end. I dont know exactly where it is because my menus are in portuguese. Look for something such as "combine datasets". It is intuitive and easy to use.
In this process you have to be carefull not to delete observations in the dataset or a whole dataset and not to use duplicates (merge the same dataset twice). Most statistical softwares such as Stata and R have functions to find duplicates lines in the dataset.
Best regards, Pedro Brasil