Following the discussion on the list and some "offline" correspondance with dedicated users I created a combined document with the current decision. Those among the list members interested in development issues can follow the link on the testing page http://www.epidata.dk/testing.php which is where such documents will be placed from now on.
As an example a standard table will look like this and adding an option /SD will sort descending on values of row and column variables: . tab ill vanilla ILL Ill? VANILLA Ice Cream:Vanilla: N Y Total N 18 3 21 Y 11 43 54 Total 29 46 75
. tab ill vanilla /sd ILL Ill? VANILLA Ice Cream:Vanilla: Y N Total Y 43 11 54 N 3 18 21 Total 46 29 75
There is also a link on the testing page to the documentation system now used for all internal specification of development. Issues from the internal working plan are not shown to the public before we have a solution. But the issues are moved to a public list when a solution has been found. For bugs reported by users in the system the issues will be publicly available at all times.
Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association