From today v2.0.0.1 of Manager capable of creating relational data sets is available on
There was a bug in creating value labels in v2.0.0.0, which has been fixed. There is still a bug if you use external value labels. E.g. a separate project file with all ICD10 diagnoses.
Please test and report .
We are aware of the possible inconvenience of uploads every other day. So if you allocate time for testing then check if there was a new upload before you spent time.
You should be aware that the function "Check Version Online" in the help menu does NOT show the experimental test versions, but today shows "Latest test version", since there is no release candidate for test.
We will modify the only version control to a more informative one. Such that one also can see when there is something to test and if so if this is a release candidate or an experimental one.
The development will typically be that we first publish an experimental test version, where the xml file structure has some form. This form can change btw. experimental test versions, but when we get to the "release candidate" level usually the xml format of the epx project file is fixed. And before the public release version is ready will be documented in the required way. Which will then be supported from that point on. We will always support reading "old" epx public release formats, but not those working at the experimental level.
We are now working with more aspects of relational data sets on the passage to a public release version. for example full adaptation of handling projects with more than one dataform, wording of structures, backup principles.
To analyse data in a relational dataset you should export one dataform at a time. EpiData Analysis cannot read related data sets at this point.
Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association