We will look into this
But I am wondering for what reason you would add a section that covers the whole screen. Apart from the section caption (title) I see no immediate reasion to have a single section.
regards Jens Lauritsen
On 2011-08-02 12:59, epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca wrote:
Thanks to Jonathan and Jens for their postings. The approach that Jens suggests works for headings and fields as long a section isn't already full-screen. The approach that Jonathan suggests for sections works for the first such section to be created (i.e. the one that extends the height of the dataform). After that (i.e. after having a section which has extended the height so that it is full screen) it doesn't seem possible to add further sections. In such a situation, even pressing shift+5, for instance, puts the heading within that (now full-screen) section, rather than extending the form.
I look forward to Jens and his team handling this situation.