I encountered a strange issue with today's date.
The relational database looks like this:
1 parent file (Demographics) and 3 child files (midwife, 48-hour and 2-week)
Each file includes today's date and worked well until I opened the file this morning and today's date is stuck on "30/12/2011". I tried to:
* include a new today's date and the date is not automatically filled-out
* delete today's date -save it - open rec file - close and add today's date to the qes-file - still today's date isn't filled out.
If I create a qes file with only today's date included then the rec file does produce the correct today's date (03/01/2012).
I asked program staff to enter one record and today's date updated itself to 03/01/2012. I am glad that this happened, however, I am not sure if this is a temporary or a permanent fix.
Have you encountered a similar issue? If so, do you know what the problem might be and how I can solve this problem?