Dear All
Next test release of the EpiData Manager is now ready for testing. Added functionality is: 1. load datafiels and structure to a dataform. 2. open qes files as dataform files 3. write settings to an ini file 4. paste text from clipboard to a dataform as fields (or qes)
Please discuss function in general on this list and report reproducible errors to the flyspray database
The next development phases are: a. Prevent double naming of fields on a dataform b. Develop first test release of a dedicated Entry Client. c. Add timed backup and date named zip file copy to Entry Client function. d. Add control of entry (mustenter, range, value labels) to Entry Client. e. Add multilanguage capability to dataform definition and entry client.
See http://www.epidata.dk/testing.php for the operating systems Linux, Mac and Windows.
An updated introduction document has been placed on the testing page. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
When you first start the application you will see two sections, which can be moved, edited and deleted. these contain further definitions and guidance.
Torsten Christiansen and Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association