Dear All I was wondering if EpiData Analysis could do simulations: here is what I am contemplating doing; I have created a database of admissions/discharges from a hospital using a standardized register and using EpiData as the software for data entry and ana;ysis. I wish to populate the fields (15 in total, of various types: boolean, categorical with k values, numeric, and date fields) I have created with say N=5,000 observations. The reason I wish to do this is to show the stakeholders (in this case Hospital Managers and Unit Heads) that one could use simple yet effective data entry and analysis software (like EpiData) to monitor and evaluate hospital-based programs. I wanted them to see EpiData in action with the simulated data--starting with EpiData Entry and then with Analysis.
Can simulation be done in Analysis? or should I prepare the dataset with Stata or SAS and then import in EpiData--I am not sure how to do this, but I will search around to see how to get it done?
Thanks, SK