You are on the right track, but there are errors in what you have submitted - the field names do not match (MedATC) and the word "autofill" appears in the chk file, but is invalid.
My test files (all attached in full below) work just fine. You won't see the MedATC field until you go to the next entry field in the questionnaire. If these are the last fields on your questionnaire, then MedATC won't get filled in for some reason (in my test). When I added another entry field it will work fine. I don't know if this is in the bug list, but it seems to me that I have run into that before.
I'm using version 3.1 (the current release)
Jamie ********** MedGenATC.qes MedNvn the name of the Drug ___________________ MedGen The Generic name ___________________ MedATC The ATC code _____________ ********** MedGenATC.chk MedNvn KEY 1 END
MedATC KEY 2 END ********** MedGenTest.qes MedNvn the name of the Drug ___________________ MedATC The ATC code _____________ NextField something else here # ********** MedGenTest.chk MEDNVN MUSTENTER COMMENT LEGAL MedGenATC.rec SHOW TYPE COMMENT MedATC END
MedATC NOENTER END **********
However, I could not find out to get the ATC codes to appear on the MedATC field.