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Hi all
First, thanks to everyone involved in EpiData. It's a lot of work and I appreciate it. I list EpiData in my list of free to use stat software
I have a data set that's probably difficult. ShortDataSet.csv
I can do some analysis, such as frequency, and a scatter graph, but I'm having problems with means.
Using the menu drop downs, I tried to get a means for population and got this outcome
.means population !vla !l; ERROR: Unknown option/variable: vla
Actually, I get the same error if I try to get means for pctbelowpov, and gdppercap too.
I -can- use population in a scatter plot, for example, population by gdppercap, or population by pctbelowpov.
I can also use "describe" on a set of variables, for example, pctbelowpov to population.
Just can't get means to work.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Gene Shackman Albany NY Applied Sociologist