Build 112 of analysis has been uploaded for testing. Users are encouraged to try the following: * Install routine * new table command * epicurve dotplot cdfplot * Spc routines * documentation * reading and saving files _Known issues and comments_ * Default sorting of non-integer reals in tables * Histogram error (rightmost bar not shown) * Notice /cc changed to /nm in tables * recode v1 to v2 by x gives partial errors (e.g. 10-1 09) * possibly help file principle partially correct writing word in command prompt via F1 link to help file _Recently solved_ * All fields saved correctly (?) * EpiCurve Final * Added Upper Case fields * New graphs: Histogram refined (xinc xmin and xmax working) * Clarified help file (F1) * (other bugs removed) * test of date correctness * added protection against reserved terms(e.g. date)
The addition of upper case fields had consequences in many areas. Previously analysis did not compare strings correctly. Before release as version 2 the following will be added: Writing chk files, Translation of menu's, Dialog for the new tables module, fixing bugs
Kind regards
Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association