Re: [EpiData-list] A request for download page of previous versions

A direct mail was sent regarding previous versions:
Always use the latest public version.
Test and experimental versions should never be used for "real" project data, but should be tested on copies of data.
When bugs and errors are found we fix these and sometimes this may change the structure of the epx/epz project file. New public release versions can always read previous forms.
If you find an error with a new version, please report the error, such that we can locate the problem and fix it.
Jens Lauritsen Epidata Association Denmark
Dear Sir,
I have a request, can we have a page listing previous version to download? My friend's group meet an unexpected version incompatible, but unable to find the download link of previous versions, although I solved this by editing the filename in the downloading link.
Can we do some thing for that? Thank you very much.
Yours sincerely, Fan
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