Re: [EpiData-list] Re: EpiData-list Digest, Vol 72, Issue 7

I guess, you have to go back to your REC file, go to Tools | Rename fields, and change each of the two fields to names with 8 or fewer characters. While it is nice that EpiData offers a maximum field length of 10, it might be wise (as example shows) not to exhaust the maximum if the data are to be analyzed in other software limiting the allowable length to 8.
Hans wrote:
Hi! I have had 2 date related vaiables called "datebase1" and "datebase2" in EpiData. When exported them into STATA, they are showing as "datebase" and "datebase" and both variables contain the same value now which is not correct.
It might be due to the total number of characters for the variable name, but my question is how can I fix it?
Best regards ziad
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