Re: EpiData-list Digest, Vol 66, Issue 5

Thank you for the chk code... it works perfectly. Very nice indeed.
Best regards,
Abraço forte e que a força esteja com você, Pedro Emmanuel

A document which Jamie Hockin and I wrote on how to create your own commands in EpiData Analysis is found on the page
As an example it is shown how to do loops. The document is partially correct and a new version will appear. I used the principle recently to write address labels in a given project.
First I read the file myfile and afterwards run the pgm file. In the file the following fields are read into memory as variables: (english term in parenthesis): idnr (id), navn (name), adresse (address), postnr (zip code), by (town) ........... start pgm .............................. * test recursive cmd * set echo=off define s # global s=1 logopen "adresslist.txt" /close /replace
cmd test * count how many records we have: count set echo = off define n ### global n = $count * n = 10 // use this for testing define line1 _______________________________________________________ global define line2 _______________________________________________________ global define line3 _______________________________________________________ global * loop over the "n" occurrences - i.e. similar to while s < n. * s references the record number by [s]
imif s<=n then imif length(navn[s]) > 0 then *dolabel line1 = string(idnr[s]) + " " + navn[s] line2 = adresse[s] line3 = string(postnr[s]) + " " + by[s] type "@line1 <br> @line2 <br> @line3 <br>page <br>" endif s = s + 1 test endif end
logclose set echo=on type "All done when s=@s"
........... end pgm ..............................
regards Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association

Yesterday an updated version of EpiData Analysis was placed for general download.
Adaptations and extensions since last release are: - Table Statistics extended with Confidence Intervals for Gamma Coefficient - For SPC graphs a number of changes including: Extended dialog/menu, user specified default test limits.
A number of bugs have been fixed: Including aspects of SPC graphs and crashing of the tables command if two different values had the same text label in a given valuelabel.
Currently work is being done on: - The core structures - A new translation principle is in development and will be announced in 1-2 months. The principle will be working the same way as that used in the Wiki software Dokuwiki, which can be seen at . - Conversion of all documentation to a wiki based system. - Configuring a new bug and development reporting system.
Regards Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association

Users have asked when a manual on writing reports with EpiData Analysis will be created. The timeframe is uncertain.
Some guidance is available at this point:
a. Look in the help file under "type"
b. Look at the examples found at the website where examples are shown under "EpiData" in the left menu.
c. Most commands will return result variables, which can be used for user-specified reporting. Try by running the command "result" after any other command.
d. Also the use of the option /Q can be useful in reporting.
regards Jens Lauritsen Coordinator and initiator of EpiData Project
participants (1)